Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Valentine's Day Grouch

Yep, that'd be me.  Snarly with the kids this morning and sure to be snarly later on today.  I still need to bring a snack over to Caleb's class and reschedule my worship team practice yet again.  Not to mention pick the rest of the music, put it in the computer that sends it to the projector, and get it to the right person.   Man, am I ever being whiny!

My day will get better.  Once I do all those things it will feel like a load has been lifted and I'll smile again - probably just in time for Luke to get home.  I might go buy some fresh lobster for supper and we'll have us a Valentine's day feast after the kidlings are all tucked into bed.  The thought of that is cheering me up already!  A little seafood, a little wine, a nice conversation with my very funny husband, and a cuddle on the couch while we watch a movie.  Sounds like heaven.

*I just got a phone call from school.  Ethan forgot his valentines at home.  Aaaagh!*


Heather said...

Hope you get a break today. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Faith and Mark said...

I hope that the rest of your day was better. The idea of fresh lobster for supper once the kids are in bed sound like a wonderful idea.