Friday, August 31, 2007

Dreaming of the sun

Yes, this has been a most dreary and wet month. All we got in July was sun, sun, sun, making the clouds so dreadfully jealous that they took August hostage. What I wouldn't give for an Indian summer in September. Wouldn't it be lovely to just have to get out of the house because the weather won't let you stay in? So, I'm starting a petition. I don't know how many signatures God needs for a change in weather, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I've about had it up to here with mushrooms growing on my lawn.


Lyndsay said...

I'll sign that petition, Carmen!! :)

Faith and Mark said...

I'm ready for your next post. It'll make you sound more like us. Not that we wished that on anyone. We're glad you and the boys are okay...

- Mark