The Day After

Here they are in all their Halloweeny glory. People were unsure about Ethan's costume - karate guy? Jedi? Poor Luke Skywalker just isn't as popular as Darth Vader or Superman. Despite the lack of recognition, he came home with as much loot as the rest of them. My living room has been transformed into a candy-sorting room and is beginning to feel a little Willy Wonka-ish. Chips all go in a heap in the middle, pop has its own corner, Coffee Crisps are delegated to the kitchen for Mom (that's my boys, always thinking of their momma) and assorted kinds each get their own little pile. By now they've totally forgotten the caramel popcorn that my parents gave Luke and I, and I'm hoping that it stays that way. That stuff is just too good to share!
The boys are adorable. Glad everyone enjoyed the night.
The boys look awesome! Great job!
I was never a big 'Halloweener' till Luke came around ... now I think it's just the funnest thing! I love having all those kids come to the door with their adorable costumes on! The 'titty tat' was possibly my favorite, but I'd have to give the kid with the nylon stretched over his face and run for 1st place too ... poor guys didn't even know what he was ... he said his dad dressed him ... enough said! haha...
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